Press Release
Boost to research on Visual Stress

Precision Tinted Lens Prolonged User Group established London April 21st 2015.

Visual Stress is a condition related to hyperexcitability of the visual system causing visual perceptual distortions, eyestrain, and headaches when viewing repetitive patterns such as text.
The condition is alleviated by individually prescribed precision tinted lenses. People may report a benefit from coloured filters for a variety of reasons, including Visual Stress, and this makes accurate diagnosis challenging.
Research on this condition would be facilitated by a sample of people who have experienced a prolonged benefit from precision tinted lenses and the new Precision Tinted Lens Prolonged User Group is established for this purpose.

Practitioners with suitable patients are invited to give these patients details of the Prolonged User Group, including an application form. Patients are eligible if they meet three criteria: aged at least 18 years, use precision tinted lenses for at least 6 hours a week or most of the time when reading, and have used precision tinted lenses in this way for at least 2 years.
The application process includes the patient consenting to contact details being passed on to researchers. Patients send the application form to the Institute of Optometry where the Director of Research, Professor Bruce Evans, will keep an electronic database of members of the Prolonged User Group.

Researchers who wish to access the Prolonged User Group will make an application to a group of three academics (Profs Arnold Wilkins, Peter Allen, and Bruce Evans). Applications that meet the usual ethical requirements for good research will be provided with the database of the Precision Tinted Lens Prolonged User Group (all of whom will have consented to be contacted by researchers).

Practitioners using the Intuitive Colorimeter can download copies of the application form from the Institute of Optometry website: